Vinyasa Yoga and Ayurveda
6 days 3 hours per day
This workshop is based on” ashtanga vinyasa yoga”. Which is a series of asanas combined with ujai breathing.
The aim is to purify the body and and clarify the mind.
By following a SATTVIC way of living. This means to revolutionize your eating habits, sleep, talk, think , behavior,…that would lead to a healthy body, peace of mind and happy feelings…
In this workshop we combine yoga with ayurveda.
You will guided to find your GUNAS( SATTVIC,RAJASIC,TAMASIC) and the DOSHAS ( VATTA,PITTA,KAFA).
According to your Dosha you will find the suitable practice for your body type.
Yoga Workshops
I organize different yoga & meditation related workshops & retreats through my school of yoga.