Live a life free from fears and filled with JOY!

When the current situation with the Coronavirus happened, I noticed how fear based worries and concerns were going to people’s mind and I shared a course in a small whats app group among my community of students in Iran.

Then I decided to work on its material and offer it as an online course for anyone who wants to use some useful tips and techniques to overcome the obstacles that block them from living a life full of Joy!

In This journey I will first take you in the first two steps of the course which are “ FAITH” and 


You start the journey by some useful tips and guidance followed up with a guided meditation for all steps to dive deeper and explore each step in depth and clarity.

After you build trust within you and open your heart into the guidance you can receive during the journey from your own source of inspiration or higher self , I will Guide you to plant your seeds and put your “ INTENTIONS” on your fertile ground , then let it go and just continue working on self improvements to prepare your soil for your seed to germinate at its own time…

After putting your intentions , you’ll be ready to face your worries and concerns and practical ways on how to deal with them…

Then you ‘’’ll be ready for jumping into the step of “ GOING BEYOND WORRIES”

And finally you’ll be guided by an exciting 30 min Conscious dance session to enter into a          “ JOYFUL LIFE”!

It was an immense JOY to share this course with a community of friends who felt an immediate shift of energy and a sense of JOY after finishing the course.

If you are interested and like to join this amazing journey, go to the link below and take the exciting journey of “ Joyful living with me”.


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