Letting Go

Blissful day my soul friend…

One thing we observe in this beautiful Autumn season is the yellow,orange falling leaves from the trees…

If you just sit outside and watch the leaves as they fall with the wind and meditate on them, it goes deep to your heart and reminds you to also

 “ LET GO”…

Sometimes we carry some past hurts, grudges, pain, sorrows,… in our hearts and it takes a lot of effort to cling to all these feelings, but when the season passes and time comes to let go , open your heart and like the leaves in autumn let them drop without any effort…

Don’t put more effort into keeping all those heavy baggage in your heart, Let it flow… Let it fly and drop with the wind…

Tears might come, let them come ,wash away your pain and Let Go

Free your heart from all the tricks of Ego and Let the emptiness enter your heart…

By LETTING GO you make space for LOVE to enter your heart…

By LETTING GO you make space to invite divine light to glow in your heart…

Once you wash away your hearts from all the bitterness , and focus on your blessings , your heart becomes so full of Love that there won’t be space for any grudges anymore…

You shine in the lights of Love and all your life become a blessing and a gift from the Divine…

This poem of beloved sufi master “ Molana Rumi” is inviting us to enter the realm of Love. To purify our hearts and live with the Lovers in our precious heart…

A sufi heart is a heart where you live in it with the beloved in immense Joy…

Hope that you enjoy  the poem and to listen to the audios please check out and subscribe to my youtube channel or soundcloud( Find the links below this page) where I ‘ll be sharing the poems and meditations with you…

Be Love

Be Light

And May you always shine in divine’s Light…



                                           In the name of LOVE!

Oh Lover! Let go of this entire ruse! Go mad! Go mad! 

Dive into the heart of fire!

Become a butterfly! Become a butterfly! 

حیلت رها کن عاشقا، دیوانه شو دیوانه شو

و اندر دل آتش درآ، پروانه شو پروانه شو

Become a Nobody and demolish your own house, then come & share a home with the Lovers! Share a home With the Lovers! 

هم خویش را بیگانه کن، هم خانه را ویرانه کن

وآنگه بیا با عاشقان هم‌خانه شو هم‌خانه شو

Go and like all true hearts , purify your heart seven times of all hatreds; then come here and fill it with divine’s vine! become a cupbearer for diviner’s vine,become a cupbearer of love!

رو سینه را چون سینه‌ها، هفت آب شو از کینه‌ها

وآنگه شراب عشق را، پیمانه شو پیمانه شو

باید که جمله جان شوی، تا لایق جانان شوی

گر سوی مستان می‌روی، مستانه شو مستانه شو

You must be all love

to be worthy of the beloved.

When going to the gathering of drunks,

be drunk! Become drunk!

“Molana Rumi”

Links to my YouTube Chanel and sound cloud!;) :



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